
In Man We Trust: The Neglected Side of Biblical Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

Walter Brueggemann puts forth a “fresh hearing of the gospel” communicated in Old Testament tradition. Brueggemann focuses on how we neglect how the Bible affirms human culture, capability, and responsibility as a part of the biblical narrative and gospel story. He zooms in on the book of Proverbs and the wisdom traditions it contains that affirm the world and celebrate culture.

mean equality. Man has been given control over things. Things are at his disposal. His lordship over his own affairs, i.e., his capacity to make decisions and live with their consequences, now extends also to the world of things. He is to “till it and keep it … give names” (Gen. 2:15, 20), or as a later reflector on the same data put it, “to have dominion” (Gen. 1:28). It was a new thing in Israel for someone to affirm that man is meant to control his natural environment. It was a thought too bold
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